General Supplies List
The following list of supplies are recommended for your middle school student in support of the learning in all content areas. Although this is a comprehensive list that covers most of the classes offered at Avon Middle School, additional supplies may be requested by specific classes or based on the requirements of various class projects. The list below is only a suggestion, not required.
Grades 7 and 8:
- Backpack (standard size, with multiple pockets)
- Pens (Blue, Black, Red)
- #2 Pencils
- Colored pencils
- Markers
- Highlighters (various colors)
- Three (3), 1" Three Ring Binders (Amethyst Team - One 2" Binder)
- Three (3) Pocket folders Separate colors)
- Loose leaf paper for use in binder(s)
- Ruler
- 1 two-pocket folder for each art class your student has
- Wired Headphones Only (no wireless Earbuds please)
- Calculator*
*A minimum of a scientific calculator is suggested; however, a TI-84 graphing calculator (such as a TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator or a TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator) will be introduced in 8th grade and required in high school. We would like you to consider purchasing a graphing calculator for your student as it will be used in both 8th grade science and math classes. This is not an inexpensive calculator - the cost for the equipment is approximately $125. However, it is the same calculator required for math classes at Avon High School. Care should be taken to secure this item at all times while at school.